This pix was taken in kanchipuram, kanchi kamakshi temple by a Photographer[photography being his hobby]..This Person is a very close friend of mine..I always like his photography, which I feel somewhat artisitic[eventhough its camera courtesy] :)Very Nice Pix Na :)
I loved it a Lot:) Mr. Jumbo, being calm, cool minded person, making Mahouts to bathe him ;) अरेवाह!!क्याबातहै??
For a single person, 2Mahouts participating in bathing him:)
Mr. Jumbo is very innocent, decent handsome Guy :) love him a lot :). Its True that I’m a Great Fan of animals [both Herbivores & Carnivores] But, I am pure vegetarian...I wish to have all kinds of animals at my residence :). Hope my wish will come true:).
Elephant, considered being Lord. Ganesha, we have to protect these giant animals from killing them. Many misuse these innocent animals by trading their trunks by killing them without humanity.
This Jumbo, being lucky person, has got his own residence in Temple, wherein he helps temple authorities in carrying idols during procession. Mr. Jumbo is Kids most favorite guy:).हाथी का सवारी बच्चोंको बहुत अच्छा लगता है :)
Ugadi is the New Year's Day for the people of Andhra Pradesh and also for the Telugu people all over the world. Those who live north of the Vindhya hills observe it as "Barhaspatyamana". People living to the south of the Vindhya hills observe it as "Sauramana" or "Chandramana".
A Unique Ritual There is a peculiarity about the practices of the various sects of Brahmins; one who is not conversant with them finds it difficult to understand their meaning. Even though they are all Brahmins certain differences in their lineage may be traced among them. These become manifest in their distinctive calendars where the dates and months vary. Some have calculations according to the solar system, and others according to the lunar system; with the result that despite all being Brahmins the New Year differs among different sects. Thus there is a Telugu New Year's Day, a Tamil New Year's Day, and a New Year's distinct from these in the almanac of North India.
According to Chandramana, Ugadi is celebrated on the bright fortnight ('Shukla Paksha') of the first month ('Chaitra Masa') in the first season of the year i.e. Spring ('Vasanta-Ritu'). As all these important elements are present, this day has special significance marking the commencement of a New Year.
Significance It is believed that the creator of the Hindu pantheon Lord Brahma started creation on this day - "Chaitra Suddha Padhyami" or the Ugadi day. Also the calculations of the great Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya proclaim the Ugadi day as the beginning of the New Year, New month and New day. The onset of spring also marks a beginning of new life with plants acquiring new life, shoots and leaves. The vibrancy of life and verdant fields, meadows full of colourful blossoms signify growth, prosperity and well-being.
With the coming of Ugadi, the naturally perfumed Jasmine's spread a sweet fragrance, which is perhaps unmatched by any other in nature's own creation. While large garlands of Jasmine are offered to Gods in homes and temples, Jasmine flowers woven in clusters adorn the braids of women.
Predictions Of The Year Ugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar with a change in the moon's orbit. On this day, people chant mantras and the pundits make predictions for the coming year. Traditionally, the "Panchangasravanam" or listening to the yearly calendar was done at the temples or at the Town square but with the onset of modern technology, one can get to hear the priest-scholar on television sets right in one's living room.
Preparing For The Occasion Preparations for the festival begin a week ahead. Houses are given a thorough wash. Shopping for new clothes and buying other items that go with the requirements of the festival are done with a lot of excitement.
Ugadi is celebrated with festive fervour in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. While it is called Ugadi in Andhara and Karnataka, in Maharashtra it is known as "Gudipadava".
On Ugadi day, people wake up before the break of dawn and take a head bath after, which they decorate, the entrance of their houses with fresh mango leaves. The green mango leaves tied to the doorway signify a good crop and general well being. It is noteworthy that one uses mango leaves and coconuts (as in a 'Kalasam', to initiate any puja) only on auspicious occasions to propitiate gods.
People also splash fresh cow dung water on the ground in front of their house and draw colourful floral designs. This is a common sight in every household. People perform the ritualistic worship to God invoking his blessings before they start off with the New Year. They pray for their health, wealth and prosperity and success in business too. Ugadi is also the most auspicious time to start new ventures.
Special Delicacies It is a season for raw mangoes spreading its aroma in the air and the fully blossomed Neem tree that makes the air healthy. Also, jaggery made with fresh crop of sugarcane adds a renewed flavour to the typical dishes associated with Ugadi.
"Ugadi Pachchadi" is one such dish that has become synonymous with Ugadi. It is made of new jaggery, raw mango pieces, Neem flowers and new tamarind. The inner significance of this preparation is to indicate that life is a mixture of good and bad, joy and sorrow and all of them have to be treated alike.
All experiences have to be treated with equanimity. Every one should make a resolve that he will face calmly whatever happens in this year, accepting it with good grace and welcoming everything. Consider everything as for one's own good. Men should rise above sorrow and happiness, success and failure. This is the primary message of the Ugadi festival.
In Andhra Pradesh, eatables such as "Pulihora", "Bobbatlu" and preparations made with raw mango go well with the occasion. In Karnataka too, similar preparations are made but called "Puliogure" and "Holige". The Maharashtrians make "Puran Poli" or sweet 'Rotis'.
Kavi Sammelanam Kavi Sammelanam or poetry recitation is a typical Telugu Ugadi feature. Ugadi is also a time when people look forward to a literary feast in the form of Kavi Sammelanam. Many poets come up with new poems written on subjects ranging from Ugadi to politics to modern trends and lifestyles.
Ugadi Kavi Sammelanam is also a launch pad for new and budding poets. It is generally carried live on All India Radio, Hyderabad and the Doordarshan - Hyderabad, following "Panchangasravanam" (New year calendar) narrating the way the New Year would shape up in the lives of people and the state in general. 'Kavis' or poets of many hues - political, comic, satirical reformist, literary and melancholic make an appearance on the Ugadi stage.
Ugadi is thus a festival of many shades. It ushers in the New Year, brings a rich bounce of flora and fills the hearts of people with joy and contentment.
Fashion Street is the name that you can hear from most of the college students in Mumbai as soon as the last bell rings. Indeed, it has become the stomping ground of the students and teenagers, who make the style statement in their classrooms and the realm of fashion. Located adjoining the Cross Maidan and opposite Azad Maidan in South Mumbai, Fashion Street is actually a market flooded with export surplus clothing. It is a group of more than 100 shops, where you can get chic clothes and fashion accessories at very cheap rates. Most of the clothes land here because they get rejected by the quality conscious importers. It is possible that you may get a button missing or crooked collar, but on the whole, these clothes are stylish, cheap and of good quality.
Mumbai, the Business Capital of India, is the prime exporter of readymade clothes to abroad. The clothes, which make the craze stuff in the leading stores of the US and Europe, can be obtained at Fashion Street, besides for a fraction of their price overseas. Apart from clothing, here you can find shops selling shoe and costume jewelry too.
Haggling is 'mantra' of shopping at Fashion Street, where shopkeepers generally quote higher prices. You can really enjoy buying cool stuff, while bargaining and cracking pretty good deals. Essentially ask half of the price, what has been asked by the proprietor, haggle a bit or move forward and eventually, you will get the selected things at the price quoted by you. On your visit to Mumbai (Bombay), definitely pay a visit at Fashion Street to get some really nice stuff.
Today myself and other girls had been to Fashion Street in ChurchGate[near BSNL Tower, Main office].we left our place by 2pm and reached Church gate by 3.15pm and purchased sandals, dresses, watches.....and also had sugarcane juice, since it was extremely hot.Well, To come back to goregaon, we boarded Borivilli Fast Local..we wanted some hangings..but we didn't find in fashion street..luckily a young girl, around 20yrs boarded the same train and she was selling hangings, studs, mobile cover, hair bands, pouches and so on.I asked her to show hangings, liked and purchased 2, one is hangings, and other is a stud..I loved it a lot :) each of Rs.5/- well my friends also purchased....after we purchased other passengers also purchased hangings from her...
well, one of my friend, conversed with her asking, :) my friend -: इतनाहीहैक्या?? याऔरकुछselectionsवगेराहैक्या?? रेशमा[seller]-: अरेबहनजीमेंअकेलीहु, माँबापनहीहै :( जितनामालआजभेचेगाउत्नामेहीमेंमालकरिदुंगीऔर, मेरेलिएकुछपैसारखूंगी :) इतनामालहीमुझेज्यादालगताहै :) my friend -: अच्छाटीके :) ..मेंऐवालाऔरऐवालाकरिदुंगी..येलीजिये,दसरूपयादोनोंमिलाके :)रेशमा -: :) बहुतकुशथी :)
After Purchasing, she was resting herself sitting with us..then she said, I dont have any..but how much ever I earn, from that, minimum goods I purchase and save for myself..She said that, she too feel like wearing such hangings..but no friend as soon as she purchased, wore that hanging..reshma seeing that, felt extremely happy :) [she couldn't wear, but atleast her customer bought and wore in front of her]..
Reshma seeing that, with a wide smiley face, said, मेंरेशमाहु..मेंभीआपकीजैसीलड़कीहु..आपकीउमरकीहु...मेरानामरेशमाहै this, I came to know that her name is Reshma :)
She was satisfied with what she had and with what she got :) we people in Fashion street had to bargain a lot..But, here the same product we purchased for Rs.5/-. there good shops and also retail dealers, expect more than the original price, but what about this young girl ?? she was extremely good looking and I assessed her within few minutes..I kept on observing her..Her movement, talks, expressions, interaction with customers..I liked everything and prayed God for her well being :)
When my friend asked, do u ve some more selections, then she said, I am poor Girl [मेंअनाथहु] मेरेपासइतनामालहैजोमुझेलगताहैकुछज़्यादाहीहै :) I felt extremely sad, when I heard these words..She never degraded herself..I felt a kind of weightage in her words, expressions..She was smiling..
we people, had to get down in Goregoan..but, because of the interactions with Reshma, didn't even feel that we had crossed andheri and were in Jogeshwari :) when another friend of mine said, sahana, Jogeshwari came, next stop is Goregaon, we have to get down..Reshma Got down at Jogeshwari..
I kept on smiling, she felt good..even now, I can feel her voice, her wordings, expressions and everything of Reshma..Hatts of to Reshma, who is struggling and leading her life all alone that too in a Great City of Mumbai :)
Birds, The creature of God, Beautiful, most descriptive creatures, but not able to find, exact wordings to describe them....As we all see in this above picture,
The birds, trying to satisfy their thirst for water and their most delicious food, fish...Pigeons and Crow..Crow, staying with pigeons family..We human beings, being literates, getting post graduations, doctorates, reaching high levels, calling ourselves as great people..but, what about these innocent creatures?? Even though knowing about crow, it has allowed crow to join their family..We should learn lessons, from these creatures..This is a real photography, taken in Tirupathi,[Andhra Pradesh] from a person, who had been to visit, Tirupathi..Photography being a hobby for this person, has done a great Job..I liked this a Lot:)..So sharing with my Near and Dear one's :)
Precious wordings of Pigeon,[i composed this in form of poem, by my own imagination, thoughts, views & feelings].
We come and go during our season, We are fed with our kabootar chenna, But our food differs from one place to another, Here we didn't find, our chenna's.
But, we came across fishes, large amount of fishes, were also feeling thirst, thirst for hunger and water.
So, we landed down to water, where we met our new friend, Crow, who was also hungry and feeling thirst. He came with high expectations, that he too will get part of our share.
Yup :) we happily invited him with opened arms :) He also became member of our Family. All are extremely happy, never ever we regret,or curse him, since he is of other category :)
We all landed together, when photographer, liked us a lot, we were pride enough to pose ourselves To show, how much unity we r having, which you human beings are lacking.
We all Thank Photographer, For Taking our Photo, Making awareness among people About, Our Unity of Diversity :)