Well, in this post, I would like to share some of the funny experiences still being, sweet cherishable memories :)
Childhood days are the most Sweet stage of one's life...More than that, an infants age is Sweetest stage in one's life!! Hope every1 agrees with this :)
Infant sleeps with zero tension, troubles mom whenever he/she requires milk, cerelac or when they bed wet.....
But grown ups, have lot many things to be done..because of which, even in deep sleep, he/she remembers their schedule/time table and gets up as earliest as possible...
Just few days back, was chatting to one of my School Friend, Both studied in same school for 13yrs. I was discussing with her, about the days we spent in our kindergarden.
Here are some of our Mischievousness :-
In our group, we were 10 or more people, playing Monkey Game..Its like, One will sit under the bench, & tickle and laugh loudly with a low sound of applause...Teacher had to search for us.....
I can narrate one incident. It was a Maths class. our teacher was taking unit test....she had already written the problems on the board.She had to take attendance..we were solving problems. Me & my friend finished soon and we both started playing Monkey Game..
Mam was calling out our names...But, Since we both were busy playing, we could not hear and we didn't answer to our attendance.. But, Mam had noticed us before, when we had entered into class....So she shouted our names...we both were scared and we didn't answer thinking, Mam will punish us or deduct our marks..So we both crawled till last bench from 3rd bench.... Mam, came in search of us & finally, she caught hold of us & asked y we were sitting under the bench.
We both said, mam, we already finished Maths Problems and we were playing Monkey Game and when u called out our names, were not able to hear and we heard our names when u shouted.....Then, she asked us to come out and we were made to solve problems on the board and others had to check their answers..
From, That day, in order to ctrl us, we were made to sit below the nose of teacher, I mean, 1st Bench..It was the most funny experience..Not only in Maths class even in other classes too we had a reputed name, Monkey's..
Another experience is, We had a competition, that who will write first?? whoever finishes first, that kid will get a chance to be leader for the day...Distributing the books...So & so forth..Me & my friends had a tough competition....
Now, when I remember all these, feels like rushing back to those benches and teachers...But, In reality it cannot happen :) Celebrating birthdays and waiting to eat chocolates, cakes, chips....Wowww superb......Missing those days a lot :(
Sharing each other snacks, talks, playing all time...it was the most wonderful time & forever sweet memory :)
During School trips, Ve enjoyed a lot :).Singing, dancing, cracking jokes...These may not come again......
All of us completing 10th Grade, joined junior colleges & used to meet frequently..But Now, I have lost those meetings..But can only talk on phone/chat/mail/scrap :)
At young age, innocence, sincerity, promptness may not last forever..As we grow up, things get changed... Can we again go back to that Kinder garden, primary school days....No ever never we can..Those days are the most cherishable days..Student life is Best Life :)
I studied in Niveditha Girl's High School....Till 7th Grade, it was Co-ed. From 8th Grade-10th Grade, only girls.....But, even now, we do ve contacts with all our classmates..Group chat is common, sms, calls......will meet whenever we can but nto frequently as before :(
Recently, When I had been to Native, I had met almost all!! Had a Nice Time :) Well, This post may b rubbish to any, but a most lovable post to me & my friends :) What all flashed to my mind, I ve shared..It may not be in order, especially the incidents :)