1. Last drink: Coffee
2. Last phone call : Missed/attended?? ;)
3. Last text message: Don’t remember… :P
4. Last song you listened to: Agar tum mil jao -Zeher Movie
5. Last time you cried: Few days back….
Have you ever?...
6. Dated someone twice: nope :)
7.Been cheated on? I don't remember :)
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No…
9. Lost someone special? A few…. Good Friends
10. Been depressed? Yup….
11. been drunk and threw up? Never
Four Favourite Colors...
12. White
13. Baby Pink
14. Yellow
15. Purple
16. Made new friends: yup….. I love it….
17. Fallen out of love: Sounds funny!!
18. Laughed until you cried: Many times…..
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes….....My Statistics Prof. Deepa Acharya: D
20. Found out who your true friends were: yup…… I feel lucky….. :)
21. Found out someone was talking about you: Many times…..
Have You...
22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Nopes
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: All
24. How many kids do you want to have: 2.....But, I wish to Adopt or help any orphanage :D
25. Do you have any pets: No
26. Do you want to change your name: Nopes…
27. What did you do for your last birthday: Distributed chocolates, sweets to one orphanage centre :)
28.What time did you wake up today: 8am (Its Sunday)
29. What were you doing at midnight last night: Spoke to my Sis, Mom, listening to some melodious songs :)
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Top Secret ;)
31. Last time you saw your father: just now…. Its Sunday….
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing at all…. M a blessed kid…
33. Most visited web page: gmail
What's Your...
34. Name: Don't Remember ;)
35. Nicknames: Nope
36. Zodiac sign: Capricon
37. Gender : Female
38. Elementary: Niveditha School, Bangalore :)
39. School: Niveditha Girl's High School, Bangalore :)
40. Colleges: Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore :) & Ghanshyamdas Sharaf Girls College, Mumbai.
41.Hair color: Black.
42. Long or short: long…
43. Height: 5 feet 2 inches
44. Do you have a crush on someone? Nope
45. Ever been in love? With pets..............
46. Piercings? 1
47. Tattoos? No
48. Righty or lefty: Righty
49. First surgery: Nooooo
50. First piercing: Ear piercing
51. First best friend: Myself
52. First sport you loved: badminton...
53. First pet: Doggy….........
54. First vacation: long back....
55. First concert: Don't remember :)
56. First crush: never
Right Now...
57. Eating: Butter Scotch Ice-cream: D
58. Drinking: Nothing
59. I'm about to: Finish this tag
60. Listening to: Songs
61. Waiting for: Nothing
Your Future...
62. Want kids?: Yeea… I love kids…. They are so like me :D
63. Want to get married?: Not yet............
64. Careers in mind?: Yup, Have a giant list ;) But, After I complete, then will let u know :)
Which is better with the opposite sex...??
65. Lips or eyes: Both….
66. Hugs or kisses: Both in Private
67. Shorter or taller: Taller of course…
68. Older or Younger: Older
69. Romantic or spontaneous: Both…..
70. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both…..
71. Sensitive or loud: Dono
72. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship…
73. Trouble maker or hesitant: None
Have you ever...??
73. Kissed a stranger: Nope
74. Lost glasses/contacts: Nopes…
75. Sex on first Date: Naah
76. Broken someone's heart: Nope
77. Had your own heart broken: Many times..
78. Been arrested: Nopes
79. Turned someone down: Don’t remember, i guess no...
80. Cried when someone died: Yes….....When my close pet died :(
81. Liked a friend that is a girl? S
82. Yourself: Strongly
83. Miracles: Very Strongly
84. God: Very strongly
85. Love at first sight: May be/May not be :)
86. Heaven: Yes
87. Santa Claus: Nope
88. Kiss on the first date? Nope...
89. Angels: Yes... Myself… ;)
90. Devils: yes…….
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yeeah…. :((
92. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time: Nope
93. Wanted to kill someone ever: Nope
94. among your blog mates, whom would you like to kiss? None
95. Committed a blunder and regretted later? I committed many… but no regrets…
96. Wanted to steal your friend's boyfriend / girlfriend? Nope…
97:- Animals :)
98 :- Dresses :- Chudidhar's, Salwar's.....
99:- The Most Lovable Snack: - Chocolates, Ice-Creams :)
100:- Make-up:- Simple Make up :)
101:- To tightly hug Polar Bear :)
102 :- Passion of Riding Pulsar ;) [Especially, like Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi]
103 :- Wish to have my House full of pets :)
104:- To Open an Orphanage Centre :)
105 :- To visit Buckingham Palace :)
Well, Few I might ve changed :) But, I ve increased 5more q's.........If any more q's flash me, and then will add.....