I strongly promote Forgiveness, for One’s own Sake. Forgive! , forgive! , from the deepest of your heart. If you are reading this, consider forgiving that person you despise and just don’t want to forgive. I can say, I have learned how to forgive. It wasn’t until one of my love ones mentioned to me during a conversation, “Anyone who does wrong to another person, he/she will pay for it.” I pondered about it the entire day. I said to myself; I will leave it in God’s hand, and I will forgive, even if that means to set aside my dignity as woman I am. Now, I can say I have learned how to forgive. Today, I say to you, forgive, forgive for your own sake. Please, read the following poem, and if you have the felt the way I have, consider forgiveness. Don’t let yourself go through what I went through, don’t let your heart fill with unwanted feelings. Don’t poison your soul! , Just Don’t!
Thanks God, I have overcome all of
what I lived, the rough times I went through,
the feelings that were killing me,
those poisonous feelings that made me extremely unhappy!
Since I learned how to forgive, all those feelings have vanished!
One day, I said to myself;
I will set aside my dignity as a woman I am, and I will forgive.
I have forgiven for the reason
I didn’t want to live the rest of my life unhappy.
Thanks God, you have taught me how to
forgive from the deepest of my heart.
It was not an easy thing, but I decided to take this step
for my own sake.
I always knew; I was only poisoning my soul with the immense
rancor I have built inside myself.
I regret for not being able to forgive before, but I’m glad I finally did it.
I learned how to forgive!
At this time, I feel like I’m living a totally different life.
I feel like I have been reborn.
I now see life from a different perspective;
I have become optimistic.
Life is simple, that’s my perspective!
I’m not carrying any burdens on my back anymore.
What an agony!
That was killing me, I suffered a lot.
I don’t have any rancor growing inside myself anymore .
I have gained self-confidence;
I consider myself valuable.
I am happy, happy, happy.
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