Bull Terrier Dog Vs Porcupine Aftermath | |

Inca the bull terrier with quills embedded in her muzzle
It almost doesn’t look real, but beneath those bristles is the large, egg-shaped head of a bull terrier. This is what happened when said canine messed with the wrong animal – a porcupine that made a pin cushion out of the dog’s muzzle, piercing it with literally thousands of its sharp-tipped spines. “What do you get when a pitbull picks a fight with a porcupine? A bald porcupine,” went the jokes when these pictures first circulated, but this encounter was no laughing matter either for the misidentified dog or its prickly opponent. What’s more, this was no isolated incident.

It was 23 May 2005, Victoria Day in Canada, when the bull terrier, named Inca, had her ill-fated skirmish with the porcupine, and it seems the headstrong hound didn’t know when to quit. “Thousands of quills were embedded even in her tongue,” explained the dog’s owner at the time; and the poor pooch was unable even to close her mouth. “The vets worked for quite some time to get [the] quills out and even still could not get them all. The one's that are left will work themselves out over time. Inca is home and on antibiotics and pain k*****s.” A few months later the dog had recovered; not so the porcupine.

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