Valentine's Day - a special day
Perhaps for others, Valentine's Day brings an assortment of red, yellow or pink roses. For some ladies, tomorrow affords them the opportunity to display the precious jewelry lovingly bestowed upon them on this day set aside for sweethearts. Be the gift great or small, Valentine's Day is centered upon one thing - love, the greatest gift of all.
Isn't it unusual, though, that oftentimes we hurt the ones we love the most. It is a fact of life that to love someone(s) opens the gate through which anguish and hurt may someday enter the heart. The reader has surely heard the adage that it's "better to love and have lost than to have never loved at all." Another has quipped that it is love that "makes the world go around." Whether one agrees with these expressions or not, it cannot be honestly argued that love is not a powerful emotion.
In abandoning his father's house, the prodigal son of Luke chapter 15 hurt his father very deeply. Imagine the emotions that engulfed the father as he watched his beloved youngest son leave his abode, perhaps never to see him again. Oh, how the father's heart must have ached within him as these unfortunate events unfolded.
I do not believe that a single day passed without the father praying for and agonizing over his wayward son. While the son, in youthful exuberance, frivolously partied his inheritance away in dens of iniquity, the father offered fervent prayers to Heaven for the soon return of his boy. His prayers were answered, as those familiar with the parable know, when the son "came to himself" (Luke 15:17).
Oh, what a reunion day that must have been! Rejoicing, shouting, feasting, and yes, even tears of joy! My friends, that is what real love is all about. Love never gives up! Love "suffereth long, and is kind" (I Corinthians 13:4); love "never faileth" (13:8). Love "Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things" (13:7).
My, what a world of broken hearts we live in. The pain, the despair, the lonely hours and the anguish of soul for those who feel unloved. How it must break the great heart of God, for He "so loved the world" as John 3:16 so wonderfully reveals. In spite of the darkness in the soul of the forsaken and outcasts of society, God still loves and longs for fellowship with the most unlovely of us!
If there are those in your life whom you love, do not allow this day to pass without expressing that love to them. Do not take tomorrow for granted for "dead noses smell no roses" as one has said. Seize the day; make wrongs right and enjoy renewed fellowship with loved ones.
Telephone that neglected mother or father and thrill their hearts with the words they long to hear, "I Love You!" Renew your vows with your spouse whom you chose to cherish for better or for worse. That son or daughter, perhaps at their wits end, could use a word of endearment from you today. Make this (and many others) a glad day in your life which you'll look back on with the fondest of memories. When your dearest loved ones are dead and gone, you'll be glad you did. God bless you and Happy Valentine's Day. David.
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