10 Strangest Animal Incidents...
Sheep Abseiled Down Electricity Cable After Snagging Its Horn
The drama unraveled at the small town of Helgoysund on the Norwegian coast. Tourists at the scene mounted a rescue attempt and eventually roped it to pull it back to ground level. After nearly an hour, and some ingenious rope work, the German tourists managed to bring the sheep down unharmed. Spectators suggested the sheep may have been grazing on the hill, and while trying to reach a field of ewes, it got its horn stuck on the zip wire. As it got more agitated, it was pulled down the hill on the wire it was attached to and ended up more than five metres above the ground. wire.
Tiny Chihuahua Blown Away by Strong Wind
Puppy Survives Miraculously After Swallowing a 10 Inch Toy Arrow
The dog is now recovering, but she doesn't seem to have learned her lesson; as soon as she got home she tried to eat the TV remote control.
Bird With Cigarette Caused a £250,000 Fire
Their conclusion was a sparrow must have picked up a smoldering butt to feather its nest in the roof's eaves, causing the blaze. Mr Sheriff, a non-smoker, said: "The shop was a total mess. All the suspended ceilings came down, all the electrics were down, all the fridges were broken, it was horrendous. A spokesman for his insurance company said: "We believe it's the first case of its kind we've ever had to deal with. I've certainly never come across this sort of thing before. It's strange to think how such a little bird armed with such a small object could cause such chaos."
Cat Trapped Inside a Metal Container Survives 34 Days by Licking Walls
Although desperately thin - half his ideal bodyweight - and dehydrated, the mischievous moggy was reunited with its owner and is expected to make a full recovery from its ordeal. - by licking condensation on its walls. The 11-month-old feline reunited with its owners after electrician Murray Ruxton found it inside the container. He survived 35 days without food or water by licking condensation from the sides of the metal unit in Arbroath, Angus. Socks went missing and owner Michelle Maher reported him missing to the charity Cats Protection. Michelle put up posters and searched the streets whilst Cats Protection volunteers kept a lookout for the missing puss. Unbeknown to them, Socks had snuck into a 20ft metal container - similar to shipping containers - which was used by store equipment and supplies for electrical company D Adam & C.
Mice Responsible for a Fire That Killed Over 100 Cats
Skunk Gets Stuck in a Peanut Butter Jar
According to Ned Bruha, all wildlife wants is food, water and shelter. Peanut butter is irresistible to skunks. They are opportunistic and they are going to take advantage of any bit of food they can get. This guy found peanut butter and got itself into a little bit of trouble. Ned used a rag soaked in chloroform to mildly sedate the skunk before pulling the jar off its head, and wasn't even sprayed by the appreciative skunk. The skunk just seemed happy to be free once more, and ran off unharmed.
Pig Swallows Diamond From £1,500 Wedding Ring
Orangutan Deactivates Electric Fence to Escape from Zoo
Karta was spotted by a member of the public and, although she returned to her enclosure, the zoo was evacuated as a safety precaution. Whitehead said the orang-utan was not aggressive and had not been close to members of the public. However, vets stood by with tranquilizer guns in case of trouble.
Zookeepers believe that Karta was driven to make an incredible escape attempt by grief at the loss of her longtime mate.
Missing Cat Turns Up on TV Show
But she was not the only person to notice the furtive feline - panel guest Julia Goldsworthy, Lib Dem MP for Falmouth and Camborne, had also clocked him, as had many of the studio audience who erupted into laughter at his nonchalant air.
However, although his owner had been watching the programme in her living room, she missed his TV debut. Although his TV debut may have been fleeting, it seems that Tango's screen appearance will go down as one of the more memorable events to happen on the show.
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