Friday, 1 October 2010

The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

  The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

If you are looking forward to buy a dog, you should first consider their price factor in order to ensure that you are paying the right price for your pet and not getting cheated by any chance. There are so many dog breeds that exist in the world. Each and every dog breed has its own pricing and therefore differs from one another. 

       The most expensive dog breed ever existed is “Tibetan mastiff” which is estimated at a whooping cost of $350000. No other dog breed can compete its pricing. Besides, there are other dog breeds which are ranging from $300 to $15000. Following are the 10 most expensive dog breeds listed as per their pricing:

Tibetan mastiff

Tibetan mastiff The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Tibetan Mastiff It is the topmost of all the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world. It is estimated to cost around $350000, a whooping price in comparison to the pricing of other dog breeds.


rottweiler The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Rottweiler stands on the 2nd position among all the 10 most expensive dog breeds. It is priced from $10000 to $15000.

Yorkshire terrier

yorkshire terrier The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Yorkshire terrier stands on the 3rd position amongst all the 10 most expensive dog breeds and is priced from $4000 to $7000.

Pharaoh hound

pharaoh hound The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

Pharaoh hound is Priced from $2000 to $3000, it stands on the 4th position amongst the most expensive dog breeds.


MaltesePuppy 3 The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Maltese is Priced from $1500 to $2500, it appears on the 5th position among all the most expensive dog breeds.

 Staffordshire terrier

Staffordshire terrier The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

Staffordshire terrier appears on the 6th position amongst all the most expensive dog breeds. It is priced from $1000 to $1300.

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie14 The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Bearded Collie stands on the 7th position among all the other expensive dog breeds and is priced from $700 to $800.


Akita inu The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Akita Inu is Priced from $500 to $800, it appears on the 8th position among all the most expensive dog breeds.


Komondor The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Komodor is estimated to cost from $400 to $500 and stands on the 9th position amongst all the most expensive dog breeds.

Bichon Frise

baylee my bichon frise The Worlds 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Bichon Eventually on the list of 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world its “Bichon Frise” which is estimated to cost from $300 to $500.

If we missed some breed, please contact us and let us know...!!!

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