Saturday, 2 October 2010

Cute animals that can be really dangerous

   Cute animals that can be really dangerous

The Chimpanzee

chimpanzee 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
chimpanzee 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Chimps are wild animals with incredible strength and unknown personalities.

The Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo 3 Cute animals that can be really dangerous 
These fluffy buffalo may not be the most adorable creatures in the wild, but they are kind of cute in their own way. The Cape buffalo, which resembles a large hairy cow, is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. These creatures are often hunted as big game, making man ones of its biggest predators. Because of this, the male buffalo acts extremely vicious towards humans and will actually charge after a person with intent to kill. Definitely not passive herbivores, these creatures will knock you dead with a single blow!

The Raccoon

Raccoon 3 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Raccoon 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Raccoons are the most common carrier of rabies in the wild.

The Hippo

Hippo 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Hippo 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Hippos are incredibly territorial and kill hundreds of people every year who approach them and their space. Hippos are also fast runners despite their large size and slow behavior on land. These guys can kill with sheer force via their weight or their bite. Although, not meat eaters, they will still use their mouths and large teeth for protection and fighting. Any human caught in a clash with a hippo will lose and regardless of how cute they might look on television, these creatures are a force you do not want to mess with.

The Puffer fish

Puffer fish 4 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Puffer fish 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
These guys are quite cute at first, but once you startle them, you just want to poke them. This Family of fish (I couldn’t choose just one) is able to swallow water (or even air) quickly, so much so that they become spherical, scaring off predators. This often saves both of their lives, since most puffer fish species are poisonous.

The Leopard seal

Leopard seal 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Leopard seal 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Beautiful and Dangerous – this leopard seal is a major predator in Antarctica.

The Wolverine

Wolverine 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Wolverine 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
This cute creature has the ability to take down prey as large as a moose.

The Slow Loris

Slow Loris 2 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
Slow Loris 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
This sweet and innocent looking fellow is actually one of the more poisonous animals on the planet due to his ability to create a toxin which it secretes from the Brachial glands in his elbows.

The Australian Bat

Australian Bat 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
A large number of them are infected with Lyssavirus, a fatal disease similar to rabies.

The Northern Short-Tailed Shrew

Northern Short Tailed Shrew 1 Cute animals that can be really dangerous
The saliva of the Northern Short-tailed Shrew contains an enzyme that is used to paralyze and subdue its prey.

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