Saturday, 2 October 2010

Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog

  Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog

The Orangutan you see in the pictures had gone into depression after it has lost its parents. It was kept at an animal shelter and nothing seemed to help it. The sick dog was them brought to the center and they have been inseperables ever since. They need each other’s company 24/7 and their love doesn’t seem to be diminishing anytime soon.
monkey orangutan 1 Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog
The Orangutan has a fear of water but the dog has helped it overcome it by assisting it in the pool. They are always seen together and the pictures will tell you how obvious the love is. The pool and the stairs seem to be their favorite spot. It’s great how unlikely pairs can be the best of friends. This goes to show man how it’s not all about how one looks and that you can find a true friend from another species too.
monkey orangutan 2 Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog
monkey orangutan 3 Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog
monkey orangutan 4 Orangutan Found a Best Bud in a Sick Dog

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