Friday 8 May 2009

Special Birthday Wishes to Monsoon Dreams :)

A Birthday is a wondrous celebration of life, and even though it happens every year, each one, all life long, is an extraordinary occasions. May 7th, is Birthday of My Most Beloved Lovable closest Friend Monsoon Dreams :)

I didn't know that her Birthday was on May 7th.....but came to know, while we both had a conversation on phn just today noon :)

hmm...Readers may doubt how come creativity is unaware of her closest friend birthday?? Answer is, Me and she, mailed each other & exchanged contact numbers and regularly conversing on phn...But 4m past 1week, both of us were busy and were unable to call each other...But today, I called her and after few minutes she called me back relished conversation for nearly 20mins...Then I came to know that sterda
y was her Bday :) her family & friends had arranged surprise bday party.....Well, let’s wish through this Post to Monsoon Dreams: D

My love for you, shall never pause,

Strong and determined with all our flaws.

It endures and doesn’t judge,

never holds a lasting grudge.

Generous, loyal, always kind,

To your outer layer blind.

Surely, opposite of rude,

My beating heart I must include.

On your birthday, my love for you,

From the clouds, a perfect view.

Moments, memories, a year gone by,

I'm here for you, don't you cry.

My love for you, lives by the truth,

Always keeps me, in my youth.

When it sees, our trust and hope,

it climbs and conquers any slope.

Please accept these birthday flowers,

Filled with love, from random showers.

Thought of you, when I picked them out,

Grown and nourished, from a tiny sprout.

Graceful, like a rose in full bloom,

Known as the mos
t, natural perfume.

Beautiful scents remind me of you,

Make you smile, in my soul I just knew.

Beauty surpassed oceans and sky,

One is special; never go dry.

Charming and hum
ble, storms make you strong,

Here by my side, truly belong.

Delivered from the
depths of my heart,

Symbols of love, I wish to impart.

Looking at you, ev
erything is clear,

this most beautiful flower, it is you my dear!

Hmmm…….here is the Birthday Cake………………

Happy Birthday To Youuuuu………….

Happy Birthday To Youuuuu…………

Happy Birthday To Monsoon Dreamsss……….

Happy Birthday Tou Youuu……….

May God Bless You…..Happy Birthday To You…………………………………..May All Your Dreams & Wishes Come True :D