The above picture is of 2 infant pigeons.....I took this photograph from my neighbor's balcony....They r really chooo chweeet:) Their birth took place in my neighbor's they have made balcony as their own residence..
My neighbor feeds them, kabootar chenna.....r really extremely dirty.....My neighbor has a great task to do it:)
I should, highlight that, its The Residence of our Colony President, उनके balcony में कबूतर का जनम हुआ, पर उनकी बीवी को, कबूतर का खयाल रखना है ;)
इनकी घर पे गजानंद महाराज भी आए है....बस ४ महीने के है.....बहुत ख़ूबसूरत है:) हर दिन उससे मिलके, खेलके आउंगी:) बहुत लाडला लाडला मुन्ना मुन्ना प्यारा प्यारा है:)
Well, going back to Kabootar story....I took snap of them, when their mom was away from them..she had been to take a free breath from her infants.....I don't know where she had been....may be to meet her hubby ;) [kidding]..........
Ps:- I really liked these cute innocent creatures...we cover our babies with clothes..keep them warm during cold and during summer, will see to do that, they don't get affected from heat & sunlight...but what about these, little innocent birds?? have we ever bothered to take care of them.....many kill them mercilessly and eat, as though its a fruit.......
But here, in our president's place, they r taking very good care of them...feeding them time to their place very frequently in order to avoid any diseases or odour :) I Really, Extremely Deep Whole Heartedly Thank Our Mr.President & also Mrs. President for taking very good care of these innocent creatures :) Hats of to them :)
I had composed poem of a pigeon, who visits our house..if u have missed it click here :)
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