1st Squirrel is relishing cherries sitting on branch of a tree where as the 2nd,Squirrel sitting on a stone and spreading his tail on mud floor, relishing some food in his hand....But, his food is invisible.....
Now...Now......Let me name them......Its not at all fair, to call them as 1st Squirrel 2nd Squirrel, that doesn't sound good :(
Well, I rename 1st squirrel as Cherry and 2nd Squirrel as, Sweety ;)
Well, Here goes their Conversation :-
Cherry :- Sitting all alone on a branch, relishing her Cherry :)
Sweety :- ohhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeoussss ;)
Cherry :- Ohhh!!!! Who r u??
Sweety :- Well, I am.....I'm ur New Friend..Do u accept my Friend Request??
Cherry :- hmmm....I don't know who u r &.....ok fine..I accept :)
Sweety :- Oh Thank God :) Thanks to u toooooo :D
Cherry :- Well, what r u doing here??
Sweety :- What will I do, when I come across Gorgeous Ladyyyy [murmuring] ;)
Cherry :- What did u say, I didn't get u??
Sweety :- Well, nothing....haaaa!!!!!!! Ya, I came in search of food...Finally My eye-catched u ;)
Cherry :- What do u want to say?? [she is afraid of his answer].
Sweety :- I mean...I mean......Cherriessssss......Ohhh.....what a great Taste!!!! woowwww.....choooo yuuummmmmyyyyy :), [More than cherries ur lippssss r extremely tasty, murmuring]
Cherry :- Yet u ve to taste, how can u say, its yummy?? :-o
Sweety :- No no......actually, by look itself, I came to know about its taste[Saying loudly] [cherries r nothing in front of ur lookkkk myyyy baby, murmuring]
Cherry :- Then, what r u holding in ur hand?? What r u eating??
Sweety :- Oh nothing...nothing Dear :)
Cherry :- U say nothing...but U ve something in ur hand....
Sweety :- Ohh yaaa......Its Invisible Dear...invisible......
Cherry :- whaaatttttt!!!!!! what non-sense u r saying??
Sweety :- by seeing u, everything became invisible Babyyy!!!!!What to do??[murmuring] ;)
Cherry :- can u be bit louder..U r on floor and I am on branch..I can't hear uuuuu!!! plz be bit louder.....
Sweety :- Oh If I say loudly[what my heart says] and If i say count of my heart beat, u will slapppp meee.....But, I like to taste ur slap as well....it will be much tastier than cherries!!!!!!! [again murmuring]!!
Cherry :- oh God!! Sorry...I didn't get u:(
Sweety :- well, nothing.....
Cherry :- well come on here.....u too jump and come on to the same branch..we shall have our breakfast together...... :)
Sweety :- Ohhhh!!! I'm extremely blessed Dear :) Thanks a lot:) Yaaaa....I am coming....coming...comingggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherry :- Oh u look so excited!! :)
Sweety :- ofcourse Dear!!!! :) I should say Darling[but, scared to call u darling loudly, as I feel u may break our friendship..and later on my love towards u will vanish] :(
Cherry :- ohhh Great!! finally, u came.....well, taste this....
Sweety :- hmmm....have u tasted??
Cherry :- yup!! I finished 1...relishing another1 with u:)
Sweety :- oh Great!!!!! Thanks a lot....I liked this.....:) liked this a lot....Extremely liked this a lot:) [but frankly speaking, I ve fallen in love with u, than cherry, but scared to share with u, murmured] :(
Cherry :- Would u like to have1 more?? U relished only 1........
Sweety :- oh No Dear :) I'm full....I'm full :)
Cherry :- hey!!!! how can u satisfy ur hunger with hardly of 1cherrrryyyy??
Sweety :- By ur Gorgeous look I'm Full ;) Ur lipsss r itself, cherries [murmuring]
Cherry :- R u Dieting?? :-o
Sweety :- Ohh yaaa....yaaaa......U r correct...absolutely correct...I'm dieting :D
Cherry :- oh ok...fine...
Sweety & Cherry, enjoy their talk, share each other views, thoughts, opinion!! Finally, both feel that they r suitable enough to be couples!!
Well..both got married.....enjoying happy married lifeeee!!!!!!!!!! They flew to Antarctica[Honeymoon].....They had taken loads of cherries with them to relish under a Snow Fall :)
Ps:- This is just a imaginary friendship story converted into Romantic Ending:) Just Shared my thoughts, views..........Its just a creation.....Names & script is fictitious!!!!!!! Hope, this post didn't boar any Reader...
Thanks a lot to Monsoon Dreams for taking a photograph of Squirrel relishing cherry & also to the photographer, who shot at Ajantha. Sincere Special Thanks to both of you:)
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