Rosy: - [Facing her face to other side.....]
Honey: - [feeling like comforting rosy....]
Rosy :- In tears :(
Honey: - ohhhh!!!! ahhhhhh.........y r u chaad Darling Rosy ??
Rosy: - What will I tell??
Honey :- Plzz......Plzz........Share ur feelings with me.....I am....I ammmmm.....ur lover, husband, son, brother, dad........so on........plz.....feeel free to share ur feelings with me Darling Rosy Baby!!!!!!!
Rosy :- I don't know, what’s wrong with me.....But, I'm extremely feeling chaad :(......tears flowing down her rosy cheeks...............awwwwww
Honey :- ohhhh......no.....no......
Rosy: - ohhh...no......In fact u r my Sweet Heart....trustworthy!!!!!!!!!!
Honey: - Oh....I am Honored.....Thanks a Lot Dearest :)
Rosy: - what u feel about me??
Honey: - I feel, that u r my Lover.......& i am your lover
Rosy: - hey!!!!! I am 31yrs old :)
Honey: - Yeah!! I am 65 yrs old.....older than u!! :)
Rosy :- hmmm.........I know....I ever never differentiate anybody with their caste,religion,age,sex!! So, I don't mind to be your closest friend!!Have you not seen Jogger's Park Honey?
Honey :- ohh….yaaa…..Its a old movie, about love story between a young girl and old man….
Rosy :- Don’t u feel that, even ours is also more or else one and the same ??
Honey :- oh..yaaa..u r correct!!
Rosy :- :)
Honey: - Then, can u love me too?? My wife is staying in different country....I am in here in your country...........
Rosy: Sure I love you too... will always love you even when you go back to your country... pls write letters to me... Honey when u go back.
Honey: - Oh!! Nice.....In my 65 years, I ever never met such a sweet friend like you...Thank god...For sending u as a messenger to help me share my feelings......
Rosy: - Y, don't u share your feelings with your Queen??
Honey: - s, I do share.......but, can't share everything with her na :(
Rosy: - ya.....that's true...so since u r away from your Wife u r feeling saaaaddd :(
Honey: - Ohh!!!! Yaaaa.....U r absolutely correct :)
Rosy: - Y r u staying away from ur wife??
Honey :- hey, My work is like that na.... i have work in this country........another 5 years......I have to be here........then, will go back to my Queen & her country !!!!!!
Rosy: - ohh!! So nice of you!!!!!
Honey: - Do u mind, coming around with me??
Rosy: - no...Not at all......can I roam with u!! Let’s spend some time...
Honey:- oh!!!!! I am honored....well...come onnn.....1...2...3...Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Ps: - This is conversation is purely based on my imagination.....Rosy, is feeling sad and Honey is trying to console her!!!!!Seeing the above photography, I shared what I felt, like Jogger's Park Movie..
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