Above pix of Gorilla was taken by my Sis, when she and her hubby had been to San Diego:)
Animals too have feelings...Mom is upset, b'coz of mischievous prank played by her kid..so both r separated facing to different Directions.....But, they too will be back to normal, after spending all alone for some time....
or it can be like, mom & dad got separated, mom doesn't want to talk to her kid, bcoz of the separation 4m her hubby and kid is sad, since his mom is sad & not talking to him:(.
Just confused about this Gorilla Family:) I cant surely say, its a gorilla family, since I cant find Dad here:) But still, mom has not left her son, so I like to call it as Gorilla Family:)
Kid is looking at his hands, why I did this:) bending his head down and mom folding her hands, angrily facing other direction..Kid is sitting as though he is the most innocent guy in this animal world....
Kid may be thinking how to apologize mom and how to console her from her sadness, anger & separation from her hubby...very innocent kid:) both r not entertaining visitors as well:(.....even I too feel sad for them:(
Even, we human beings, will be angry, sad, frustrated, irritated, break up love, even then, we too feel like staying all alone at least for few minutes-hours.....
Well, wanted to share this pix & my views/thoughts/feelings.......
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