Hello Dear, Wonderful Good Morning..Today our 4th sem results will be announced after 12pm..don't get panic..u always do well in what all u do..u r a scholar!!!!! so nothing to worry!! Be calm, cool & happy..I know u r in deep sleep..but, I know u scold me for disturbing ur sleep!!
Well, when some is in deep sleep with chweet dreams with zero tensions, suddenly some Atom Bomb is thrown..then, what feeling a sleeping person may get?? Obviously That person will be panicked......In the same manner, even I too got scared......but, funny thing is, since I was in Deep Sleep, My eyes were half opened, & I replied something to her and I checked, whether I ve written everything correctly or not[since I was in Deep Sleep]...and again I slept :)
Now, Mom's Alarm....Started screaming, oh God!!!!!! how will I tell my daughter to wake up early?? Came to my room, howling......Y don't u get up early?? do u know what day is today??
Me :-Mom, Plzzzz another 5mins more...I will get up!!!!! U don't get tensed......
Mom:- Today is Wednesday, 22nd April 2009.
Me :- Soooo.....whats special?? Is there any religious festival??
Mom :- Oh my Gooooddddd!!!!!! Today is ur Result Day[In high Pitch]
Me :- Ohhhhh Areeeyyy Bhagawan!!!!!!!Throwed my bread spread got up wrong side.......later on realised that I got up wrong side......Face covered with hairs....pushed my hairs aside and got on wrong side :(
then I washed my face, again read sms sent by my friend and then I realised & understood that, what she had sent and what I had replied her!! I had replied her saying, hey I am still lying on bed..had very nice dreams...night I had slept very late..so will get up shortly.....she had said about results and I had replied her foolishly!!!!!!!! LOLzzzz
Then got ready, prayed to God....Went to college, saw, marks list, hurraayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I successfully completed my 4th sem, securing Distinction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeppiiiieeeeee.....................First, I called up my Dad..and told him that, I ve got Distinction, he passed on to mom and others!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom, prepared Mysore Pak and had brought, Butter Scotch Ice-cream........Dad & Mom gave me a warm hug.......chooo chweeeetttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice of You My Dear Parents!! :)
Hello Folks, this Electronic Ice-Cream is exclusively for my Readers, Bloggers, near & Dear One's!!!!! Relish this Gud Bud E-Ice-cream leisurely ;)

I was so much excited that, I couldn't control my excitement until my Dad's arrival to home from office!! All through the day, wishes came pouring in from my friends, cousins, relatives, neighbor's, & from all my Near & Dear one's!!
Many of my Near & Dear One's Asked for a Sweet, then, I said, I already, had it........But, they said, we will give u sweet for your Hard work!!!!!!!!!!! every1 works hard to Succeed, that's sure.......but, I had to struggle extremely hard with great effort, since I had completed my schooling & Junior college from Bangalore!!
Since, Dad got transferred, we moved here and teaching methods are comparatively different......of course, I had chosen, commerce in my Junior college, but still, teaching methods, portions and all were comparatively different from Bangalore...So I had to read Mumbai University Books of Junior College, then had to take up the books of my graduation....First year, I felt extremely hard, since here, everything was new including people, city, atmosphere, people's behavior, life style in Mumbai.....So had to struggle extremely hard to adjust!!
I had shared about Life in Mumbai And Life At local Railway Station in my older posts...if u have missed it, u can click on the topics.....
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